“It will never work for me…”

I was thinking about when I hired my first nutrition coach…

Back then, I struggled pretty badly with my relationship with food. I constantly battled an obsession with good food vs. bad food, ate very little, and what I did eat, I immediately felt like I had to “work it off.” I was fearful every single day that I was overeating. My first thoughts in the morning were always about how my food intake the day before would impact my body and my weight, and those thoughts usually set the tone for my entire day.

This went down when I was about 17. My mom watched my fear of food and obsession with exercise slowly take over my health, wellness, and happiness and was willing to do whatever it would take to get me moving in a healthier direction with food. We did some research and found a personal trainer and nutritionist and hired her right away.

I didn’t know what to expect or how it was going to help me. Remote health coaching was a pretty new concept back then, and I didn’t understand how a coach could take something so complex and break it down in a way that resonated with me and could help me reach my goals. Food was the enemy, and I didn’t know how I would overcome that.

It still amazes me how the process changed my life. I trusted her. I trusted her method and one session at a time she showed me how food fueled my body and was no longer the enemy.

I handed over the reins to her. I recognized that how I had been doing things for years wasn’t working, and I didn’t have other options. It gave me so much freedom mentally to just listen and do what I was told to do. I no longer had to question if I was eating the right or wrong foods, consuming too many calories, and the scale slowly turned into just a data tracker vs. a metric that ruined my day. As I learned more and my body responded, I became more and more of a believer and eventually could sustain a healthy relationship with food without her as my coach.

I’ll never forget that journey and the freedom that came with it.

Drop a ♥️ if you relate to any of this! And friend, if you live this life that I speak of, there is so much more beyond that prison. Reach out and chat with us about our health coaching options available. Stop dieting & start living.

Shoot me an email at cassidy@lifeelevatednutrition.com or apply for health coaching here