Today is day 1 of 31.

I start my second (and longer) round of injections and meds for another egg retrieval for IVF.

As I laid in bed last night trying to fall asleep, I was anxious and restless thinking about the process that will take place over the next 31 days. I woke up today, and it was the first thing I thought about again. I’m really nervous and a little scared going into the next round, but I feel hopeful knowing I’ve changed up so many things in my lifestyle to optimize egg quality & quantity. The plan of care that my doctor is implementing with me this time around is a bit more extensive, but she feels pretty confident that we are making changes that will help us be successful this time around.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the word “STRENGTH” lately. I’ve really tried to dig deep and understand what it means to me. So far, I’ve really realized two things.

1- Strength has different meanings for different parts of my life. There’s that saying that goes something like — “You’ve survived 100% of your hardest days so far, keep going.” and as I look back on my hardest days that required all of my strength then… well, they don’t seem so hard now. (Strength in my world is no longer just physical strength– like throwing a heavy barbell around (although I LOVE that version of strength πŸ˜‰ )

2- Strength now fluctuates daily on an emotional and physical level. I honestly don’t know if it’s actually hormones or if I’m just more aware of it — but the one constant that defines my strength throughout this period of my life is to choose faith over doubt daily.

I’ll keep yall up to date <3

Also– if you want to hear more about changes that I’ve made to my lifestyle and more about how you can make changes to your infertility journey to increase your odds of conceiving, DM me and check out my latest podcast episode with Travis Zipper and learn about our fertility program, Protility.