The color orange promotes a sense of wellness, emotional energy to be shared: compassion, passion, and warmth. Helps to recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one’s pride. Studies show that orange can create a heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, contentment, assurance, confidence, and understanding.

Today is the first day of National Infertility Awareness Week

Infertility? You might be surprised to see this coming from me. I haven’t shared this with many people in my life, but this has been a big part of our story for the past 3 years. The timing to share this obstacle seems right as I start the early stages of our IVF journey during #NIAW. 

Throughout National Infertility Awareness week, I’ll be sharing some stats and small pieces of my story. I’ll also be releasing a few special episodes of Be Unstoppable Radio where I interview people in my circle that have also experienced the long road of infertility and pushed through to the other side. 

Here is the release schedule for the episodes so you can keep your eye out!

Monday– Infertility from the Couples perspective with Jim & Kate Hallinan 

Tuesday – Infertility from the female perspective with Chyrelle Miller 

Wednesday– Infertility from the male perspective with Brad Jensen 

Thursday – The start of our journey with IVF 

The funny (not so funny) thing about infertility is that you never know that someone has struggled with it until it just so happens to come up in conversation. It isn’t exactly something that’s enjoyable or easy to talk about. I was blown away by hearing the stories and experiences of people that were in my circle that I had no idea what they had experienced with their infertility journey. 

I want to highlight #NIAW because I haven’t always been positive and upbeat about our journey and the process leading up to it. I’m choosing to be open, vulnerable, and honest about all of it in hopes of pulling someone out of the sadness and hopelessness that they may be experiencing during their own infertility process. 

If you know someone in a similar situation, spread the love and share the word with this post and help others feel the support they need during a difficult time. Thank you for following along and listening to our story! 

Love, Cass

*RESOLVE uses orange to raise awareness, increase activity around an important movement, and remind our community every day that RESOLVE is there for them during the disappointments while educating and promoting physical and emotional wellness.