No, this is not a pregnancy announcement!
Okay... feeling a little more vulnerable than usual today, so here we go. Yesterday, I had my plan of care call with my FET (frozen embryo transfer) coordinator. I felt a little annoyed that this call was scheduled long before we had the results of the genetic...
Round 2- IVF Update
A breakdown of IVF Cycle #2 They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I couldn't agree more (obviously), which is why after our first round of IVF failing, I am going to share how many adjustments we made to...
How getting a nutrition coach changed my life
“It will never work for me...” I was thinking about when I hired my first nutrition coach... Back then, I struggled pretty badly with my relationship with food. I constantly battled an obsession with good food vs. bad food, ate very little, and what I did eat, I...
We are Starting Round 2 of IVF – My reflection on the word “STRENGTH”
Today is day 1 of 31. I start my second (and longer) round of injections and meds for another egg retrieval for IVF. As I laid in bed last night trying to fall asleep, I was anxious and restless thinking about the process that will take place over the next 31 days. I...
What do you need permission to free yourself from?
Hands on my knees is a common pose for me lately with my workouts. I had an awesome and enlightening convo last week with @fearlessmiranda for an episode of Be Unstoppable Radio. The episode will be released on 7/6, so I don't want to spoil it too much, but something...
Faith over Doubt.
I want to share this short story with you real quick... So, a few weekends ago, we were in Las Vegas to support our team SLC Gold at the West Coast Classic Semi-finals. We were surrounded by a group of our close friends and had a little downtime to spare, so we...
Our first round of IVF failed.
"It's a choice to make daily-- to choose faith over doubt." Our first round of IVF has failed. The genetic testing results showed that both embryos (a male and a female) that made it to day five had chromosomal abnormalities and are not viable for transfer. You...
One week since our egg retrieval
Today is one-week post egg retrieval It has been nothing short of massive waves of emotion, pain, and tears. The 20 eggs that were retrieved, quickly dropped to 12 fertilized, which dropped to 8 matured, which declined to 2 that actually made it to day #6. ...
Our IVF Journey | Egg Retrieval Shots Days 1-3
Day 1: 3 things that I learned from my first series of shots: 1 - panic breathing doesn’t help the situation 2 - alternating panic breathing and holding your breath gets you one step closer to crying 3 - Giving yourself a shot is harder than it sounds When I use...
Your inner voice is a dick
Do you ever feel like your inner voice is kind of a dick? My inner voice is mostly a jerk and sometimes it feels like a battle that just can't be won. It's a work in progress that I'm sure most of you can relate to. We all have an internal dialogue that runs all the...